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Hot Tub

Kay Pool and Spa offers a variety of hot tub repair and services, including hot tub covers and cover lifters. We also offer repairs to the  jet, pump, and heater. Another service we provide is general troubleshooting on issues that may occur. Besides repairs, we can also winterize your spa and hot tub. In addition, we are an authorized service provider for ThermoSpa, Strong Hot Tubs, Saratoga, Emerald Spas, and many more. We are proud to provide services to pools and hot tubs in and around Reading, Pottstown, Emmaus, and Phoenixville PA.

Hot Tub Winterization Service

Although we don’t recommend winterizing your hot tub, we know at times it’s the best solution for our valued customers. Closing your hot tub needs to be done properly, and our team of trained technicians can do just that.

Hot tub winterization service includes:

  • Draining your hot tub
  • Properly winterizing hot tub equipment
  • Secure hot tub cover
  • Antifreeze pumps

We recommend covering your entire hot tub with a tarp and/or a custom protective cover.

hot tub cover, covered hot tub outdoors

Weekly/Biweekly Hot Tub Care

Every weekly or biweekly pool care customer also has one of the best enzyme protocols added monthly for no additional charge. Waters Choice exclusively sold by Kay Pool and Spa.

Basic Service Full Service
Check for leaks in equipment
Check for operation of equipment
Fill chemical feeders
Check and balance chemicals
Clean and empty skimmer and pump baskets
Skim spa and remove debris
Clean filters

Hot Tub Care Guide

Just as with pools, hot tub water needs to be balanced. It may even be more important that your hot tub is balanced because of the smaller quantity of water. Either way, it’s still important to keep you, your family, and your friends safe.

Kay Pool and Spa has added this hot tub care guide to help answer some of your questions about balancing hot tub water.

Testing and Balancing Your Hot Tub

We recommend testing and balancing your hot tub twice each week.

Total Bromine or Chlorine

Bromine Ideal Range: 2ppm – 4ppm

Chlorine Ideal Range: 3ppm – 5ppm

Total Alkalinity

Alk Ideal Range: 80ppm – 120ppm

Ph Levels

Ph Ideal Range: 7.2-7.4

Calcium Hardness

Calcium Ideal Range: 100ppm – 200ppm

Thank you so much for recommending Water’s Choice enzymes to treat our hot tub. My water is the clearest it has ever been and remains crystal clear, even 2 weeks past drain and fill. The only chemicals I’ve used were chlorine, PH increase, and hardness increase right after refill. I have not needed to add ANY additional chemicals in two weeks so far! No more trying to be a chemist to figure out how to stabilize our hot tub! Amazing product, and I’m recommending to everyone I know!

Tina Collins

Hot Tub Guidelines

We recommend draining your hot tub every 3-4 months. This will help maintain a cleaner hot tub environment for you and your family. For our Waters Choice customers, this can be done once a year.

Always use hot tub chemicals and not pool chemicals in your hot tub. Pool chemicals are formulated for larger bodies of water.

We recommend cleaning your filters weekly to ensure proper operation and cleanliness.



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* A valid credit card number must be provided to Kay Pool and Spa to schedule any type of service appointment. The provided credit card number will be charged upon completion of service unless payment was made via cash, check, or at time of service.