IT’S HOT TUB SEASON! Your hot tub can be a great asset to your health and well-being. We want you to be safe and enjoy all the benefits your hot tub has to offer.
How hot is too hot? – Temperature
- As wonderful as a soak in a hot tub feels, staying in the water too long or at too high a temperature can cause overheating or other health issues. Most experts recommend you stay in a hot tub no longer than 15 to 20 minutes at a time.
- Most hot tubs have 104°F as the highest temperature to keep you safe. The majority of hot tub users prefer temperatures of 100°F to 102°F.
- Limit the soak time in the hot tub for children under the age of 10 to 5- 10 minutes at a time and set the temperature for them at no higher than 95°F.
- Before using a hot tub, pregnant women should consult their physician for medical advice on whether it is advisable.
- Similarly, individuals with a heart condition, high blood pressure, or other serious medical condition should not enter a spa without a doctor’s permission.
Avoid Alcohol Usage
- Alcohol is best avoided when using a hot tub. Drinking while using a hot tub increases the odds of an accident, damage, or harm to befall the people or the hot tub.
- Hydration is important, so offset the effects of perspiration by providing water (in bottles or plastic cups, since glass is a hazard around hot tubs).
- Be cautious about the effects of prescription drugs. When talking medication that may cause drowsiness, avoid using a hot tub since the effect can be heightened by immersion in warm water. If in doubt about whether a drug is compatible with spa usage, consult your physician.
Supervise Children
- Always supervise children and make sure they know the safety rules.
- Stress that when kids are in the hot tub, they must always stay seated and keep their head above water.
- Show teens how to turn the power off in the event of an emergency.
- Instruct younger and older children not to run or engage in rowdy behavior in or near the hot tub.
- Remind children to stay away from the drain so that their hair, bathing suit, or jewelry does not become entangled in the drain cover.
Make the Area Safe
- The area around hot tubs can be susceptible to slips and falls. Use skid-resistant surfaces in the walkways and perimeter of the hot tub and avoid splashing since water can make nearby decks or patios slippery.
- Have a lockable gate system to ensure that children do not have access to the hot tub while unattended.
- Make sure you secure your hot tub cover when the hot tub is not in use.
- Keep glass or other breakable and sharp objects far away from the hot tub. Not only will glass shard in the water cause great harm, but the slippery surfaces can increase the likelihood someone will break said glass in the first place.
When using your hot tub, always put safety first. Make sure family and guests follow your hot tub safety rules, and keep the hot tub experience a safe and enjoyable one.